Amy Terry-PenakResumeLicense PlatesBlog

Hello world!

April 11, 2023

Hello world! I'm late to the party, but I'm starting my own blog now that I have a personal website. I'm planning for this to be a place where I can share my thoughts on programming, my hobbies, and the world in general.

It's not a bad time to be starting a blog, honestly, even if I'm well past their heyday. A lot of the sites that replaced blogs are on a decline themselves lately. Twitter is imploding under new management, and none of its competitors have quite risen up to take its place. Tumblr is still around, but it had an exodus of its own a few years ago. The other social media platforms have their niches, but they're all either focused more on images and video than writing, or they aren't really suited for what I'm writing about. So a blog it is.

Heck, maybe I'm ahead of the curve, and the blogging revival is just around the corner! Okay, probably not, but that's not going to stop me either way. Stay tuned for more posts if you're interested in software development, or license plate collecting, or travel off the beaten path, or you just like reading what I write.

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